Innovative Knowledge Sharing Platform

© iKSP Publisher

Innovative Knowledge Sharing Platform (iKSP) also has stablished its own publishing section, under which it is now publishing research Journals, Books, megzines and peridicales.

iKSP Research Journals

Innovative Knowledge Sharing Platform (iKSP) is pleased to Launch 04 new high quality research journals under the iKSP publishers. All journals are of high quality, peer-reviewed and with very fast acceptance/publication process. The Editorial team of iKSP journals invites you to submit your quality paper in its upcoming issues.

All iKSP journals uses a Fast Track review and publication procedure. Our rapid peer-review process is highly rigorous, and authors are carried along adequately throughout the publication processes. We inform authors of the decision on their manuscript(s) within ONE to TWO WEEKS of submission.
Visit the official website for furthers detail regarding scope and submission guidelines.


iKSP Journal of

Innovative Writing

iJIW is peer reviewed Open Access, Multidisciplinary journal published biannually by iKSP publishers. iJIW is designed to foster the exchange of ideas and transfer of knowledge between researchers and scientists involved in various Field that deal only with investigations or reviews in all fields.


iKSP Journal of

Business and Economics

iJBE is a peer-reviewed journal published by iKSP publisher. iJBE is an openly accessible journal published twice a year, in Spring and Fall, and it focuses on theories, methods and applications in Business and Economics.


iKSP Journal of

Emerging Trends in Basic and Applied Sciences

iJETBAS is a Multidisciplinary peer review open access journal dedicated to the exchange of the latest academic research and practical information on all aspects of Natural Sciences and Applied Sciences.


iKSP Journal of

Computer Science and Engineering

iJCSE is an Open Access, Peer Reviewd research jornal published biannualy. iJCSE provides readers with a compilation of stimulating and up-to-date articles within the field of computer science and Engineering.